"Vista Files and Folders: Accessing, Moving, Deleting, and Renaming Folders and Files in Window Vista!"

If you are using Vista, you need to know how to use the Vista files and folders, such as accessing, renaming, deleting, or moving a file or folder. This is because mostly all the files are stored in folder and often you need to access or modify the file.

This tutorial guide you from the most basic of accessing files and folders and other commonly used file manipulations.

To access the recently used items (files)

  • Right-click on the Start menu and from the pop-up menu click Properties.
  • In the Taskbar and Start Menu Properties dialog box that appears, click the Start Menu tab.

Vista taskbar and start menu properties

  • Make sure that the Store and display a list of recently opened files check box is selected and then click OK.
  • Choose Start move to Recent Items, and then choose a file from the resulting submenu. Vista will display a list of most recently open applications in the lists.

To access Vista files and folders (Method 1)

  • From the Start menu, click Computer.
  • From the Computer window displayed, double-click an item, i.e. any one of the Hard Disk Drives (C:, D:, etc) to open it.
  • If the file or folder that you want is stored within another folder, double-click the folder(s) until you locate it.
  • When you find the file you want, double-click it to open the file.

To access Vista files and folders (Method 2)

  • Right-click on the Start menu and from the pop-up menu click Explorer.
  • From the Windows Explorer window displayed, double-click a folder in the Name field to open the folder.
  • To access other folders or drives, use the scroll bar to move up and down in the left hand panel of the window. Double click a drive such as Local (C:) to access the files in it.

To rename a file or folder

  • Right-click on the Start menu and from the pop-up menu click Explorer.
  • Right-click the file (or folder) that you want to rename and choose Rename from the menu.
  • Start to type a new name, and then click anywhere outside the filename to save the new file name.

To delete a file or folder

  • Right-click on the Start menu and from the pop-up menu click Explorer.
  • Right-click the file (or folder) that you want to delete and choose Delete from the menu.
  • Click Yes to confirm deleting the file (or folder).

To move a file or folder

  • Right-click on the Start menu and from the pop-up menu click Explorer.
  • From the Windows Explorer window displayed, navigate to the folder or file that you wish to move.
  • Right-click on the file or folder and choose Move to Folder...from the pop-up menu.
  • From the Move Items dialog box displayed, navigates to the folder that you want to move and click the Move button.

To print a file

  • Open the file that you wish to print.
  • From the File menu, click Print.
  • From the Print dialog box displayed, select the necessary options:

  • = Print Range - allows you to select the pages to print.
    = The Number of Copies - click the up or down arrow to set the number of copies to make.
  • Click OK to proceed with printing.

Note: Make you already connected a printer to the computer and install the necessary printer driver before you print.

With this, I hope you will be more familiar with usage of the Windows Vista files and folders feature.

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