"Windows Vista Defender: Proper Configurations to Protect Your System"

What is Windows Vista Defender? It's Microsoft's answer to spyware and malware including keyloggers, bots,rootkits, etc.

To be more specific, it's a simple tool that can be used to perform an immediate scan of your system to look for the latest spyware and eliminate it from your system.

Spyware can do any number of things to annoy you and slow down your system, such as displaying pop-up ads, cause system hang, altering settings, and even using private information without permission. So, if Windows Defender is active, it will work constantly in the background to protect your computer from harmful software.

However, if you'd like to manually scan your system for malware or update your spyware definitions, you can do so by loading the Windows user interface, available through the Start Menu.

To access the Windows Vista Defender

  • From the Start menu, click the Control Panel.
  • From the Control Panel dialog box displayed, click the Security option. Then, click the Windows Defender option.
  • This will display the Windows Defender window and we can start to change the settings.
  • windows vista defender

  • To start scanning your PC, just click the Scan option within the Defender dashboard.
  • windows vista defender scannning

To access the Windows Vista Defender Advanced Options

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