"Determine the Best Vista Version for You Using the 4 Simple Questions Method"

Having difficulty to determine the best vista version that you intend to buy?

Don't worry, I got a method to help you make a final decision based on few questions that you will going to answer. So, just follow the simple questions and answers below that can help you make a precise decision.

Question 1: Will your PCs need to log on to an in-house network server?

a. If not, and your PCs will only need (at most) to access each other's files and share printers via simple peer-to-peer networking, you only need a Vista Home version. Go to Question 2.
b. If your PCs need to log on to a network server, you need a non-Home version. Go to Question 3.

Question 2: (Which Home version?): Do you want to burn DVDs, or record and playback video content with Windows Media Center?

a. If not, you can get by with Vista Home Basic.
b. If you need any of the above features, you need Vista Home Premium.

Question 3: (Which non-Home version?): Does your company have a Volume Licensing deal with Microsoft?

a. If yes, get Vista Enterprise, which enables you to create a centralized installation routine for Vista.
b. If not, get Vista Business, which has most of the features of Vista Enterprise.

Question 4: (Do you need Vista Ultimate?): Do you need some features that are found only in Home Premium and some other features that are found only in the Business or Enterprise versions of Vista?

a. If you need, for example, Windows Media Player (which is available only in Home Premium) and BitLocker drive encryption (only in Enterprise), get Vista Ultimate.
b. If you don't need such a comprehensive mix of features, save your money for cheaper version of Vista.

So, these 4 questions is enough to help you get the best vista version for yourself and I strongly believe you can easily choose the best Vista version that is most suitable for you. One thing is that the cost of different Vista versions is different with Vista Ultimate version are most expensive but more capable.

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