"To Prevent Computer Viruses, Follow the 7 Tips Here!"

The only magic way to prevent computer viruses from infecting your computer is to never use the Internet, never share disks, and never install a new program on your PC.

But in reality, if you are computer user you will know that it's really hard to not perform those tasks. However, you can reduce the chance of virus infection by following these words of advice:

1. Use newer version of Windows and install security patches.

Microsoft's earlier versions of Windows had very little security feature compare to the newer versions of Windows that is far more secure. So, if you are not using the latest Vista operating system, you should at least using Windows XP.

Microsoft regularly releases security patches and provided a number of ways to install security patches, including Windows Update, Automatic Update, and e-mail notifications of new patches. Those patches are to fixes their software that close security holes that could lead to virus infections.

2. Use reliable antivirus program and update the virus definition frequently.

Antivirus programs protect you against most types of viruses - including both executable and macro viruses. Purchase, install, and run a good antivirus program such as Bitdefender or Kaspersky AntiVirus and let the program check all new files downloaded to or copied to your system.

A good antivirus program can clean most of the viruses if you update the virus definition regularly or auto update. This is critical for the software the catch the latest viruses as everyday there is a new viruses coming out. So, this step is important to prevent computer viruses infecting your PC.

3. Don't open email attachments from people you don't know.

If you get an unsolicited email message from someone you've never heard of before, and that message includes an attachment, don't open the attachment! The attached file could contain a virus that get you infected!

Virus files can only infect your computer when they're run, typically when you click or double-click them in order to open/run the file. This means receiving a virus-carrying email message in your inbox is completely safe - unless and until you open the attachment.

It's good practice to never run any email attachments that have the following file extensions: .EXE, .COM, .BAT, .VBS, or .PIF.

4. Scan devices before copy / open any files from it.

If you are copying files from third parties devices such as flash drive, mobile hard drive or even CD and diskette that plug or inserted to your computer, make sure you scan the drive before open or copy any files on it.

People often overlook this important step to prevent computer viruses by simply just 'plug-and-go'. So, do remember that always scan first before opening any files from unreliable sources.

5. Don't execute programs or files you find in newsgroups and chat rooms.

Newsgroup postings often contain attachments of various types; executing a program "blind" from an anonymous newsgroup poster is just asking for trouble.

Chat rooms are another big source of virus infection; some users like to send pictures and other files back and forth, and it's relatively easy to sneak a virus file into the flow.

6. Download files only from reliable sources.

Try not to use the peer-to-peer (P2P) programs (such as Kazaa) for downloading music, software, or other files. If you must download files from the Internet, use only those established and reliable Web sites that actually check their files for viruses before they post them for downloading.

This is also another great precaution to prevent computer viruses infecting your PC.

7. Back up your files!

Remember, always back up your important files to another safe place to prevents any uncertain circumstances that might strike your computer including computer viruses.

Is it possible to completely protect your system against computer viruses? Unfortunately, the answer is no - unless you never install any new software to your system, never accept disks from strangers, and never access the Internet, not even for email.

Does this mean you cannot prevent computer viruses and you have to live the rest of your computing life in fear?

Definitely not, you just need to take whatever precautions as suggested in this article that is prudent to reduce your risk factors and avoid the threat of computer viruses.

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