"Vista Gadgets: Using Different Types of Gadgets Available in Windows Vista"
Vista gadgets is a new feature introduces by Windows Vista, do you know how to use the default available gadgets?
This article will explain the usage of some commonly used Vista gadgets that can help you in your daily tasks.
Make sure you already know how to add a gadget to the Sidebar. If not, I suggest you to read another article - Windows Vista Gadgets.
To make a note with Notes gadget
Add the Notes gadget to the Sidebar.
Type the note to the Notes. If needed, click the Forward arrow to move to the next note.
Click the Delete button to delete a note.
Click the Add button (the plus symbol) to save the note and move on to the next blank note.
To change the font or color of your Notes text, click the Settings button (the one that below the Close button).
From the Notes dialog box displayed, use the Font and Font Size fields to modify the font. Click OK when you're done.
Click OK to save the settings.
To display a continuous Slide Show
Add the Slide Show gadget to the Sidebar.
In the bottom of the slide show there are few buttons that allows you to:
- Click the View button to display the current slide in the Photo Gallery Viewer.
- Click Pause to stop the slide show at the current slide.
- Click Previous to go to the previous slide.
- Click Next to go to the next slide.
Click the Settings button to display the Slide Show dialog box.
From the Slide Show dialog box displayed, change the picture folders to include in the slide show, or modify the number of seconds to show on each slide or a transition effect to use between slides.
Click OK to close the dialog box.
To use the Windows Calculator
Add the Calculator gadget to the Sidebar.
There are two ways to enter numbers and symbols:
- Use keyboard to type the numbers and symbols, and press Enter to perform the calculation.
- Click numbers or symbols on the calculator display and then click the = button to perform the calculation.
To play the Picture Puzzle
Add the Picture Puzzle gadget to the Sidebar.
Click either of the tools along the top of the puzzle to do the following:
- Show Picture displays the picture you're trying to create.
- Solve rearranges the pieces into the picture. After you have clicked Solve, you can click this button again (it's then labeled Shuffle) to rearrange the pieces.
To start moving the puzzle, click any piece adjacent to a blank square. It moves into the blank space. Keep clicking and moving pieces until you get the picture pieces arranged to form a picture.
Click the Settings button to the right of the puzzle to display its settings dialog box.
From the Picture Puzzle dialog box displayed, click the Previous or Next button to scroll through available pictures for the puzzle.
When you find the picture you want, click OK to close the dialog box.
To convert currency
Add the Currency gadget to the Sidebar.
Connect to the Internet to access the latest currency rates and do any of the following:
- Enter the number of dollars; the number of equivalent euros is displayed.
- Click the arrow to the right of either currency and choose another currency to convert from or to.
To add a feed to the Windows Sidebar
Add the Feed Headlines gadget to the Sidebar and click View Headlines.
Connect to the Internet and double-click a feed to display it in your browser. A single-click a feed will bring out a small window display more information about the feed.
At the Web site that appears you can view blog entries, submit an entry, or subscribe to additional feeds.
Click the Settings button to display its dialog box.
From the Feed Headlines dialog box displayed, select the default feed and the number of recent headlines to show.
Click OK to close the dialog box.
To get the latest stock quotes
Add the Stocks gadget to the Sidebar.
Once connected to the Internet, stock prices and stock exchange data are displayed.
Click the Search for a Stock button (a plus sign in the bottom-right corner) and enter a stock symbol. Click the Search button and the price is displayed.
Click on a stock exchange to display detailed information about it in your browser.
Click the Close button to close your browser.
Can't find what you're looking for? Try Google Search!
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